Monday, October 24, 2022

1d12 fully original ideas for your next OSR blog post

Like it says on the tin. I can guarantee that no one ever writes these kinds of blog posts, so feel free to pilfer those ideas.

1, "My Interpretation of Thief Skills"

2, old school D&D's implied setting (did you know it's post-apocalypse + western frontier with a medieval coating, and also there's an Appendix N ?)

3, esoteric random table or encounter that's more microfiction than gameable material (OK, I actually love them when it's deliberate and lovingly-crafted)

4, crunchy, unnecessarily fiddly hexcrawl travel procedures. ("Here's a quick and simple wilderness travel procedure. First, take a d8, a d16, some hex paper, a calculator, and use this two-page chart...")

5, a GLoG wizard class.

6, Appendix N readings (did you know it's PULP ?!?)

7, "Proudly announcing my new MÖRK BORG module !"

8, "Proudly announcing my new MOTHERSHIP module !"

9, "so sick of the weird / gonzo trend, here's a boring as fuck setting" 

10, "so sick of traditional D&D fantasy, here's a gonzo sci-fantasy setting" 

11, "So, What Is The OSR ?" 

12, "The OSR Is Dead And Means Nothing And I'm Leaving (but not really)"

(These are only written for fun, and are not snark directed as any one in particular.)

Dungeons all the way down – preview

I have a big post brewing about dungeons . It will probably be in two or more parts, and needs illustrations. Here is a TL;DR preview so I c...