This is a "this is my stance on things" article. And my stand as a creator (or would-be creator) is the same as my stance as a, you know, human being trying to be kind.
These days, everything and everyone is more politically polarized. Perhaps it's bad. It certainly can be. Social networks use outrage to appeal to our attention, and far-right fascists are all to happy to ride this wave while complaining that they're persecuted — fragile little things, they are.
But some good comes out of it, too. Marginalized communities have voices, voices that reach far further than ever before. The real problems can be discussed, nationwide, worldwide, easier and faster than ever before. And now, with a bit of curiosity and internet access, you can know who you give money to. It is possible to vote with your wallet with actual insight.
It's not to say you can't have bad surprises, as some well-regarded creators get to be seen in a new light when their victims speak up.
But now you know. The world of tabletop RPGs in general, and the OSR in particular, are sprawling scenes. There is enough great stuff out there to support good people while playing with quality material. (Heck, there's enough great stuff to play for free for ever, and if that's not voting with your wallet, I don't know what is.)
So there's no reason not to do it. Support good games by good people. Give more money to those who need it (and yes, that can mean keep it to yourself — and play with free material or community copies). Don't encourage or enable awful people, even if they make good games, because there's good elsewhere, too.
As for me ? Whatever the labels, I'll stand with those that the system actually crushes, excludes, marginalizes, in all its accidental and intentional ways. Persons of color, women, children, queer folk, neuro-atypical folk, disabled folks of all kinds, victims of sexual crimes of all kinds, victims of wars and their consequences, etc.
Recognizing myself in a few of these categories, I obviously feel concerned.
Knowing people from all of these categories, I obviously empathize and want things to change.
Living in a world that seems doomed by greed-induced deliberate inaction in front of the coming catastrophes, I am spurred by my will to live.
So yeah. Of course, doing this in the rest of my daily life is far, far more important and far, far more difficult. But RPGs deserve it, too. I won't comment, promote or talk about products made by bigoted people whose views and actions I despise, and that's all. It's quite easy to do, in fact.