Sunday, July 10, 2022

A scribe makes their debuts

 Welcome, welcome ! 

This is the first article. Gotta make one, right ? 

 « Le joyeux scribe » means  « the happy scribe »,  for those of you non-French-speaking heathens.

Who's the happy scribe ? That's me ! Writing from France with my ADHD-burdened brain, finally daring to participate in the RPG/OSR blog scene.

My first exposition to the hobby was a matter of cultural osmosis, through video games (levels ! Hit points ! A little guy in green who cuts grass with a sword !),  « choose your own adventure » books, and literature (old sci-fi, 19th century classics like Jules Verne or H. G. Wells, and, yes, Lord of the Rings). After playing my first RPG session ever back in 2012 and discovering the OSR movement and RPG blogs in 2015, it was about time for me to start my own thing.

For some reason it seems easier to write in English, perhaps because that's where most of the online activity takes place.

So this is a separate effort from my blog in French, and I'll limit myself here to what feels fun or interesting only. Just dropping whatever strikes me as relevant.

Might be random tables, rules discussions, thoughts after other readings, and so on. We'll see ! 

And now, let's begin.


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